Wednesday, April 09, 2014


Everything makes me sick.

For a single moment I thought I had gotten used to not have you around. I really did. It was an illusion, wasn't it? Being distracted to not think about what was going on.

And then I saw you around but so distant from me... And it call came back. How much I missed you. How long it felt to have been since the last time we talked.

How it felt you were just a bunch of dirty lies.

And I don't know the reason. i just feel nauseous, sick, so sick of it all. And this time I don't know the reason. Your cowardice, the meaningless words... I wish I could get rid of all of them.

I wish I didn't hold so tightly onto them, like if it was the only thing keeping me from shattering into little pieces.

And you asked me why I didn't believe you back then? This, this was the reason. Because it was meant to happen. The day I would realize it was all a bunch of lies.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Lo que se esconde en un rincón

La noche es inalcanzable... Intocable
El silencio que embarga los sentidos algunas veces consolador, otras se asemeja a una condena

Sin embargo, ¿qué seríamos sin esta irónica compañera nuestra?
Ellas nos permitió escondernos de los monstruos... o en algunos casos, toparnos con ellos.
Abrir el verdadero ser tan sólo un poco y echarle una hojeada.

Escuchar. Tan sólo escuchar, para poder sentir más allá de los límites de los sentidos.

Y aunque en un pedazo de habitación, parecen no hacer notar su presencia... Yo sé que están aquí, en los rincones más oscuros, escabulléndose de la pequeña luz de la luna.
Corriendo para no ser encontradas...
Sé que están, porque fieles compañeras han sido desde que empecé a vagar la senda de lo prohibido.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Pieces of me

"These days have proved me that life is unexpected. That in a blink of an eye everything can be over. Just like that, without second chances.

I knew it, but I have never realized it as much as I do now. Maybe because of what I saw, maybe because I needed to. I don't really know.
Perhaps, I just didn't want to realize how fast time can go by... yet. Even though it has always been in front of my eyes.

I knew it.
The day I die I don't want to regret a life somebody else expected me to live, to have been held back by my fears or haven't being strong enough to jump the walls that blocked my path.

I want to die knowing that I reached the only thing that keeps me alive. That I did not let it go. That it hurt, so much, so badly, but I didn't let it go.

Because if I live for it, through it... How can I let it go?

I have lost so many pieces of myself, but that thing... that thing it's still there. In each piece that was left.
So strong, so powerful, to keep myself together as long as I need it. Like a tree and its root.

Like the daylight and the sun."


Friday, April 16, 2010

La Sonrisa Perfecta

Soy sólo una máscara... una máscara que se ha ido quebrando con el tiempo
Pero oh, no tientes a tu suerte... Aleja tus manos,
no deberías albergar la inocencia de querer liberar mi alma

Soy sólo una máscara...
Una obra muerta y seca,
Un agujero negro de memorias que desgarran el dolor una y otra vez cual círculo vicioso...
Una sonrisa, una mirada, una profundidad que no es más que un hueco perfecto...
Un hilo que fue roto alejándome de mi destino... Dejándome a la deriva

El latido del rencor robándose tus sentidos,
la silueta que es sombra pretendiendo existir
Y he aquí a la máscara...
Sin mirada, sin sentidos... Pretendiendo existir
